Monday, January 10, 2011

She's Here!

Hello Family!

We are back in our hotel.  Natalie has been with us for 4 hours now and everything is going very well.  She cried herself to sleep in her Nanny's arms while we talked with her and a representative from the orphanage.  We were then able to take her to the hotel, Brad carried her.  When she woke up, she, of course, began to cry because she did not know us, but she quieted down quickly.  When Brad tried to put her in the bed she immediately reached up for me, and that made me feel good.  She then proceeded to "size" us up and down for a good two hours.  Those are the pictures of her in the bed.  We then stood her up.  She just stood there for the longest time staring at us, then began to dance in place to Chinese music on the TV.  I mixed up her formula and she drank most of the bottle.  we then decided to go for a walk-she about walked my feet off!  But as soon as she was tired, she reached up to me to be picked up.

She is doing very well.  Tomorrow we go back to the provincial affairs office for the interview and more papers to sign, and then she will officially be ours!  The Nanny said she is a "very independent and stubborn child", and I can already see that.  She is a hefty little girl.  She is not small!  And she is already catching on to things quickly.  I am working with sign language at the same time using the english word to communicate-just the basics right now like, "eat", "all done", "walk", "drink".  As we do more things we will include bath, diaper, sleep, etc.

My poor husband now has whatever I had on Saturday-sick as a dog!  I hope we do not pass it on to natalie.

I would write more, but Brad is now asleep, which he needs, and natalie is wide awake, so I will need to get going.

I will leave the computer on for a couple more hours if anyone wishes to skype us. I hope she sleeps well tonight, because we need to leave the hotel at 8:30 tomorrow morning.

Love, Liz

PS:  Babs-brad is not sure if you understood that you can email us!  Infact I think he would very much appreciate hearing from his parents.  It has been a rough couple of lonely days and getting emails from back home has been a tremendous blessing!


Lisa A said...

Oh Liz--what a transformation from that first picture to the last one! She's precious--seriously--love those perfect little lips and her eyes are just beautiful.

Seems they took VERY good care of her in the CWI, she just looks GREAT and look at all those precious clothes! What a blessing! So sweet.

Sorry to hear Brad is sick with the crud! Praying for a speedy recovery! Tomorrow is a big day--not hard--just big. Of course everyday in China is Big. :)

Stubborn and Independent--ahhhh, although tough initially, Izabella is as well, I constantly remind myself it's a good thing when they get older and they won't hesitate to say "No" to their peers on things they might encourage them to do--that they know not to! And stand their ground with bullies etc. :) Takes the edge off stubbon and independent. :) But she looks pretty happy here. :) Don't they love those stacking cups! A universal toy! Izabella still plays with hers.

So, so excited and happy for you! Your Natalie Rose is just beautiful.

I want to see YOU holding her and a pic of your new family!!!! If you can share. :) I know I don't have a lot of pics of myself either--the photographer never does--:)

Love and God Bless!

Laurie said...

Hi Liz! I'm a friend of Lisa A's, and it is a pleasure to be following your journey! Your daughter is absolutely adorable! I called my daughter over to see her and she said, "Ooooooh, she's sooo cute!" I agreed! Glad the first day went okay (except hubby being sick!), and I look forward to hearing more about your trip- AND how it feels to finally be a MOM! :) CONGRATS!

Renee' Hatcher said...

She is beautiful! Congratulaions!
Hope you all have a great time the rest of your time there and hopefully the illness will be past the two of you!
Take care and enjoy!

The Walrond Family said...

Congratulations on your new little one!! We are home now 1.5 years with our Olivia! Ups and downs but such an amazing journey of God's faithfulness! Praying for all of your hearts as the Lord of the universe molds you into a family : )